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BASIC Source File
281 lines
' 3D Routines - By Daniel Benito [TeleSoft]
' This is a minute collection of very simple routines that enable
' you to paint several kinds of frames around controls and forms,
' adding a 3D effect to your application.
' They were written to cover a basic need, while keeping code
' simple and fast.
' These subroutines are loosely based on a routine called Outlines,
' which is included in the VB 3.0 sample application VISDATA.
' If you have any questions, send me a message to the CIS address
' 100022,141, or post it in the MSBASIC forum.
Sub InLinePic (pic_name As Control, bevel_size As Integer)
' This subroutine paints a raised frame on the border of a form,
' giving it a 3D effect.
' Parameters:
' pic_name - Picture on which to paint frame
' bevel_size - Bevel width
Dim darkgray As Long, brwhite As Long
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
Dim col1 As Long, col2 As Long
Dim pic_top As Integer, pic_left As Integer, pic_right As Integer, pic_bottom As Integer
darkgray = RGB(128, 128, 128)
brwhite = RGB(255, 255, 255)
pic_top = pic_name.ScaleTop
pic_left = pic_name.ScaleLeft
pic_bottom = pic_name.ScaleHeight - screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'bottom minus one pixel
pic_right = pic_name.ScaleWidth - screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'right minus one pixel
bevel_size = bevel_size - 1
x1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'twips per pixel horizontally
y1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'twips per pixel vertically
For i = -1 To bevel_size
x = x1 * i 'distance of horiz. lines from edge
y = y1 * i 'distance of vert. lines from edge
pic_name.Line (pic_left + x, pic_bottom - y)-(pic_right - x, pic_bottom - y), darkgray
pic_name.Line (pic_right - x, pic_top + y)-(pic_right - x, pic_bottom - y), darkgray
pic_name.Line (pic_left + x, pic_top + y)-(pic_right - x, pic_top + y), brwhite
pic_name.Line (pic_left + x, pic_top + y)-(pic_left + x, pic_bottom - y), brwhite
Next i
End Sub
Sub OutlineControl (form_name As Form, ctrl_name As Control, bevel_size As Integer, dn As Integer)
' This subroutine paints a frame around a control, giving it a 3D effect.
' Parameters:
' form_name - Form on which control is
' ctrl_name - Control on which to paint frame
' bevel_size - Bevel width
' dn - If TRUE, box is drawn sunken. If FALSE, box is drawn raised
Dim darkgray As Long, brwhite As Long
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
Dim col1 As Long, col2 As Long
Dim ctrl_top As Integer, ctrl_left As Integer, ctrl_right As Integer, ctrl_bottom As Integer
darkgray = RGB(128, 128, 128)
brwhite = RGB(255, 255, 255)
Select Case dn
Case True
col1 = brwhite
col2 = darkgray
Case False
col2 = brwhite
col1 = darkgray
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
x1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'twips per pixel horizontally
y1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'twips per pixel vertically
bevel_size = bevel_size - 1
For i = 0 To bevel_size Step 1
x = x1 * i 'distance of horiz. lines from edge
y = y1 * i 'distance of vert. lines from edge
ctrl_top = ctrl_name.Top - screen.TwipsPerPixelY
ctrl_left = ctrl_name.Left - screen.TwipsPerPixelX
ctrl_right = ctrl_name.Left + ctrl_name.Width
ctrl_bottom = ctrl_name.Top + ctrl_name.Height
form_name.Line (ctrl_left - x, ctrl_bottom + y)-(ctrl_right + x, ctrl_bottom + y), col1
form_name.Line (ctrl_right + x, ctrl_top - y)-(ctrl_right + x, ctrl_bottom + y), col1
form_name.Line (ctrl_left - x, ctrl_top - y)-(ctrl_right + x, ctrl_top - y), col2
form_name.Line (ctrl_left - x, ctrl_top - y)-(ctrl_left - x, ctrl_bottom + y), col2
Next i
End Sub
Sub OutlineControlPic (pic_name As Control, ctrl_name As Control, bevel_size As Integer, dn As Integer)
' This subroutine paints a frame around a control inside a picture box,
' giving it a 3D effect.
' Parameters:
' pic_name - Picture box which contains control
' ctrl_name - Control on which to paint frame
' bevel_size - Bevel width
' dn - If TRUE, box is drawn sunken. If FALSE, box is drawn raised
Dim darkgray As Long, brwhite As Long
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
Dim col1 As Long, col2 As Long
Dim ctrl_top As Integer, ctrl_left As Integer, ctrl_right As Integer, ctrl_bottom As Integer
darkgray = RGB(128, 128, 128)
brwhite = RGB(255, 255, 255)
Select Case dn
Case True
col1 = brwhite
col2 = darkgray
Case False
col2 = brwhite
col1 = darkgray
Case Else
Exit Sub
End Select
x1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'twips per pixel horizontally
y1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'twips per pixel vertically
bevel_size = bevel_size - 1
For i = 0 To bevel_size Step 1
x = x1 * i 'distance of horiz. lines from edge
y = y1 * i 'distance of vert. lines from edge
ctrl_top = ctrl_name.Top - screen.TwipsPerPixelY
ctrl_left = ctrl_name.Left - screen.TwipsPerPixelX
ctrl_right = ctrl_name.Left + ctrl_name.Width
ctrl_bottom = ctrl_name.Top + ctrl_name.Height
pic_name.Line (ctrl_left - x, ctrl_bottom + y)-(ctrl_right + x, ctrl_bottom + y), col1
pic_name.Line (ctrl_right + x, ctrl_top - y)-(ctrl_right + x, ctrl_bottom + y), col1
pic_name.Line (ctrl_left - x, ctrl_top - y)-(ctrl_right + x, ctrl_top - y), col2
pic_name.Line (ctrl_left - x, ctrl_top - y)-(ctrl_left - x, ctrl_bottom + y), col2
Next i
End Sub
Sub OutlineForm (form_name As Form, bevel_size As Integer)
' This subroutine paints a raised frame on the border of a form around a control,
' giving it a 3D effect.
' Parameters:
' form_name - Form on which to paint frame
' bevel_size - Bevel width
Dim darkgray As Long, brwhite As Long
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer, x1 As Integer, y1 As Integer
Dim col1 As Long, col2 As Long
Dim form_top As Integer, form_left As Integer, form_right As Integer, form_bottom As Integer
darkgray = RGB(128, 128, 128)
brwhite = RGB(255, 255, 255)
form_top = form_name.ScaleTop
form_left = form_name.ScaleLeft
form_bottom = form_name.ScaleHeight - screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'bottom minus one pixel
form_right = form_name.ScaleWidth - screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'right minus one pixel
bevel_size = bevel_size - 1
x1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelX 'twips per pixel horizontally
y1 = screen.TwipsPerPixelY 'twips per pixel vertically
For i = -1 To bevel_size
x = x1 * i 'distance of horiz. lines from edge
y = y1 * i 'distance of vert. lines from edge
form_name.Line (form_left + x, form_bottom - y)-(form_right - x, form_bottom - y), darkgray
form_name.Line (form_right - x, form_top + y)-(form_right - x, form_bottom - y), darkgray
form_name.Line (form_left + x, form_top + y)-(form_right - x, form_top + y), brwhite
form_name.Line (form_left + x, form_top + y)-(form_left + x, form_bottom - y), brwhite
Next i
End Sub
Sub OutlinePic (form_name As Form, ctrl_name As Control, dn As Integer)
' This subroutine paints a 3D box, with a 1 pixel bevel, around a control.
' Parameters:
' form_name - Form on which control is
' ctrl_name - Control on which to paint frame
' dn - If TRUE, box is drawn sunken. If FALSE, box is drawn raised
Dim darkgray As Long, brwhite As Long
Dim i As Integer
Dim col1 As Long, col2 As Long
Dim ctrl_top As Integer, ctrl_left As Integer, ctrl_right As Integer, ctrl_bottom As Integer
darkgray = RGB(128, 128, 128)
brwhite = RGB(255, 255, 255)
Select Case dn
Case True
col1 = brwhite
col2 = darkgray
Case False
col2 = brwhite